
Is cybersecurity the next big industry for fresh graduates?

Published by Afterschool.my on Mar 27, 2024, 05:15 pm

Global cybercrime damage costs are expected to grow by 15% per year over the next two years, reaching 10.5 trillion USD annually by 2025. Depending on the crime, victims can lose as much as 108,479 USD. 

Over the last two decades, we have adopted various smart technologies that have brought many conveniences into our everyday lives. However, there is a dark side to smart devices – it has created new avenues for cybercriminals to steal our data. 

As long as it uses an internet connection, our devices could be an entry point for digital attacks such as malware, phishing scams, ransomware and more. 

Anything connected to the internet can potentially be affected by digital attacks

With cybercrime on the rise, cyber security measures have since become a highly demanded service, and the industry is hungry for qualified candidates.

According to a recent study by the Department of Skills, The Centre for Instructor and Advanced Skill Training (CIAST) and Cybersecurity Malaysia, our country needs 27,000 cybersecurity knowledge workers by the end of 2025. Based on the study, we are facing a shortfall of 12,000 cybersecurity workers.

This makes cybersecurity a perfect industry for young professionals seeking a well-paying career with ample opportunities for career advancement, growth and job flexibility. 

What do cybersecurity professionals do?

The role of cybersecurity professionals is to defend digital infrastructure such as mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data from malicious attacks. Cybersecurity is a dynamic industry where innovation is essential and professionals must continually adapt to new technologies.

That is because the cyber security industry is, in essence, an arms race against cyber criminals who are always evolving their methods as quickly as the technology itself. Many online scams today incorporate multi-layered tactics and humanistic traps to deceive as many people as possible through pretexting and AI-supported data breaches.

Combating cyber threats is usually a collaborative effort that requires multiple processes and teams coming together. That is why cybersecurity professionals must be capable strategists and effective communicators.

How can you enter the cybersecurity industry?

The first step towards becoming a cybersecurity expert is to obtain the necessary technical skills in information technology and programming. Many local universities such as Taylor’s University offer a comprehensive undergraduate course in computer sciences that will guide you towards competency in computer programming.

Some universities offer courses specialised in cybersecurity such as Multimedia University’s and Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT)’s Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons.) Security Technology, which delves into common topics such as security system analysis and cyber law.

How to land a cyber security job

Cybersecurity professionals have many specialities to choose from. For example, there are cybersecurity engineers who are in charge of developing and maintaining cybersecurity systems.

On the other hand, cybersecurity consultants are responsible for understanding their clients’ situations and catering their solutions accordingly.

To find a speciality that suits you best, it is important to do research ahead of time. A good place to begin would be to look at Malaysian job search websites such as JobStreet, LinkedIn and Hiredly to better understand the local job market.

Finally, if you are looking to impress potential employers, consider pursuing a cybersecurity certification. There are many certifications segregated by speciality, such as managerial or ethical hacking positions, made to highlight an individual’s professionalism and competency in the industry.


Getting a cybersecurity certification can help increase your job potential.

Enter a new age industry with cyber security

With Malaysia pushing itself towards the digital age with the Digital Economy Blueprint, our local cybersecurity field is positioned well to become the next big industry for ambitious professionals looking for a worthwhile career.

Jump-starting your journey towards becoming a cybersecurity professional with one of our partnered universities, or check out our featured articles for more information on up-and-coming career opportunities.

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