
Your guide to become a Marine Biologist in Malaysia

Average Salary

RM 10,000 - 12,000

Job Demand

Who is a Marine Biologist?

A Marine Biologist is someone who studies in detail the behaviour and interaction of all types of sea creatures and marine organisms, from the microscopic plankton to the humongous fish such as whales.

Are you passionate about the ocean and all living things in it? Have you always dreamed of working with sea creatures, both familiar and foreign? Do you want to make a change in how we treat our friends from the sea? Then a marine biologist might be just the career for you! Not only will you spend time with your favourite animals in the sea, but you’ll also contribute to real-world problems such as climate change and the environment affecting sea life.

Are you passionate about the ocean and all living things in it? Have you always dreamed of working with sea creatures, both familiar and foreign? Do you want to make a change in how we treat our friends from the sea? Then a marine biologist might be just the career for you! Not only will you spend time with your favourite animals in the sea, but you’ll also contribute to real-world problems such as climate change and the environment affecting sea life.

The pros and cons of being a Marine Biologist:


Can be exciting as the job allows you to work both indoors and outdoors

High salary

Very diverse areas of study, from animals to plants and microorganisms


Potential safety risks, especially when working in the field/at sea

Highly competitive

Can be difficult; requires lots of research skills on top of analytical skills

What are all the responsibilities of a Marine Biologist ?

Analyse the characteristics, behaviour, health and interactions of sea creatures

Conduct experiments on sea creatures

Assess the effects of the creatures towards the environment and vice versa

Research ways to improve the habitat and ecosystem

Collect and experiment on marine specimens

What skills do you need to become a Marine Biologist?

An eye for detail

Marine Biologists design and conduct experiments with various species as well as visually recording and analysing the data. Thus, an eye for detail is especially important in this field in terms of identifying the results and such.

Able to swim

Naturally, becoming a Marine Biologist would require you to be able to swim. Scuba diving is an important part of the job when working out of office and in the field, so learning how to swim and being comfortable in the water would be a good start.

An interest in research

There are millions of species of animals and plants in the ocean, and millions more still to be discovered. You need strong research skills and a borne interest to explore in depth the unknown lurking in the sea in order to excel at being a Marine Biologist. They say curiosity killed the cat, but in this case curiosity will get you deeper and deeper into the mysterious world that is the ocean.

What field(s) of study should you choose to become a Marine Biologist?

What are the requirements to be a Marine Biologist?

A bachelor's or master's degree is typically required for entry-level marine biology research jobs. For faculty positions and jobs that allow you to follow your own research interests, PhD is usually required.

What are the working hours of a Marine Biologist?

The working hours of a Marine Biologist varies depending on whether you are in the office or in the field. Typically in the office, you work between 8 to 10 hours a day. In the field, the working hours can be as high as 12 to 15 hours. Sometimes they may required to work on the weekends.


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