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New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hi Dania Irwan,

You can view our comprehensive guide for Human Resource Management by clicking here. It details the entry requirements as well as the institutions in Malaysia offering Human Resource Management as a course.

Besides that, to know more about becoming a Human Resource Manager as a career, click here.

Hope this helps, good luck!

New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hi Dania Irwan,

You can view our comprehensive guide for Human Resource Management by clicking here. It details the entry requirements as well as the institutions in Malaysia offering Human Resource Management as a course.

Besides that, to know more about becoming a Human Resource Manager as a career, click here.

Hope this helps, good luck!

New answer posted

5 years ago

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