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New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since May' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hi Dhaman,

Political science is a field that explores relationships between various nations as well as how these relationships and their existing laws affect the society. In a political science course, you will most likely study subjects such as history, geography, international relations, introductory law, and the governmental system. For more details about the course, you may click on this link.

Hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to ask us further questions!

New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since May' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hi Dhaman,

Political science is a field that explores relationships between various nations as well as how these relationships and their existing laws affect the society. In a political science course, you will most likely study subjects such as history, geography, international relations, introductory law, and the governmental system. For more details about the course, you may click on this link.

Hope this helps, and please don't hesitate to ask us further questions!

New answer posted

5 years ago

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