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New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hello Aishah,

If you are interested in becoming a psychologist, the recommended course for you would be to continue your diploma and degree in psychology. For more information about the course, do have a look at Study Psychology in Malaysia. The page shows the different branches of psychology, the course fees and duration, the subject you will study, the entry requirements, an educational pathway and career options after graduation. 

For universities that provide the course for psychology, do have a look at Psychology Courses provided by 42 University/Colleges in Malaysia

Hope you find this helpful and best wishes!

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Fatin Aqilah,

In a nutshell, neuropsychologists study the relationship between the brain and the behaviour of a human. Typically, they identify the disorders related to the brain and nervous system that would affect one's behaviours and cognitive functions. Neuropsychologists work very closely with neurologists, who provide treatment for the physical symptoms of disorders related to the brain. Neuropsychologists would be the ones to perform various psychological tests and evaluations based on the patient's problems.

Hope this clears it up!

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since May' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Azmina. Generally speaking, you would need 5 credits (a grade of C or better) to go on to pursue the above fields. Only courses such as medicine & dentistry have set higher requirements. 

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Mar' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Ain,

All of these are different professions and would lead to different results in your career. It depends on how you define 'financially worthy'. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each course, see its pathway, job demand and your interest.

Allow us to give you a few examples:
1) A course in Medicine would cost the most as compared to other courses but if being a doctor is what you love doing because you get to help people, then you should go for it. Once you become a specialist or work long enough, you will receive a high pay. But you need to prepare yourself for some serious studying and endure longer duration of studying if you take up this course.
2) Some people just love teaching so being a lecturer is a no-brainer. A lecturer earns a decent salary. You can also opt to be a part-time lecturer where you have more flexible hours.
3) A Clinical Psychologist would require you to study biology as well, just like a doctor, but you'll have to deal with patients who are of unsound mind. Choose this course only if you can take the stress because patients will be pouring out their anger and frustration and probably behaving badly in front of you.

Malaysia needs more medical specialists so it would be good to take up MBBS and then pursue your postgraduate in a specific field to become a specialist.

Hope this helps. Good luck :)

New answer posted

5 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 5 years ago

Hello Aishah,

If you are interested in becoming a psychologist, the recommended course for you would be to continue your diploma and degree in psychology. For more information about the course, do have a look at Study Psychology in Malaysia. The page shows the different branches of psychology, the course fees and duration, the subject you will study, the entry requirements, an educational pathway and career options after graduation. 

For universities that provide the course for psychology, do have a look at Psychology Courses provided by 42 University/Colleges in Malaysia

Hope you find this helpful and best wishes!

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Jul' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Fatin Aqilah,

In a nutshell, neuropsychologists study the relationship between the brain and the behaviour of a human. Typically, they identify the disorders related to the brain and nervous system that would affect one's behaviours and cognitive functions. Neuropsychologists work very closely with neurologists, who provide treatment for the physical symptoms of disorders related to the brain. Neuropsychologists would be the ones to perform various psychological tests and evaluations based on the patient's problems.

Hope this clears it up!

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since May' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Azmina. Generally speaking, you would need 5 credits (a grade of C or better) to go on to pursue the above fields. Only courses such as medicine & dentistry have set higher requirements. 

New answer posted

6 years ago


Afterschool Counsellors

Member since Mar' 2018

Answered 6 years ago

Hi Ain,

All of these are different professions and would lead to different results in your career. It depends on how you define 'financially worthy'. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each course, see its pathway, job demand and your interest.

Allow us to give you a few examples:
1) A course in Medicine would cost the most as compared to other courses but if being a doctor is what you love doing because you get to help people, then you should go for it. Once you become a specialist or work long enough, you will receive a high pay. But you need to prepare yourself for some serious studying and endure longer duration of studying if you take up this course.
2) Some people just love teaching so being a lecturer is a no-brainer. A lecturer earns a decent salary. You can also opt to be a part-time lecturer where you have more flexible hours.
3) A Clinical Psychologist would require you to study biology as well, just like a doctor, but you'll have to deal with patients who are of unsound mind. Choose this course only if you can take the stress because patients will be pouring out their anger and frustration and probably behaving badly in front of you.

Malaysia needs more medical specialists so it would be good to take up MBBS and then pursue your postgraduate in a specific field to become a specialist.

Hope this helps. Good luck :)

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