
Your guide to become a Rig Manager in Malaysia

Average Salary

RM 9,300 - 10,300

Job Demand

Who is a Rig Manager?

An Oil Rig Manager is the leader in a drilling operation. His job is to oversee the crew’s work and resolve any problems and issues that might occur from time to time.

Are you intrigued by the oil rigs in the middle of the ocean? How were they built and how do they extract oil and gas deep from down below the sea? If you have these questions in you as well as a few relevant certification under your belt such as Fall Protection and Specialised Safety Training, then you are a great candidate for this career. The work of Rig Managers may be time consuming and exhausting but there are lucrative benefits that make your job worthwhile such as opportunities to tr...

Are you intrigued by the oil rigs in the middle of the ocean? How were they built and how do they extract oil and gas deep from down below the sea? If you have these questions in you as well as a few relevant certification under your belt such as Fall Protection and Specialised Safety Training, then you are a great candidate for this career. The work of Rig Managers may be time consuming and exhausting but there are lucrative benefits that make your job worthwhile such as opportunities to travel and high earnings.

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The pros and cons of being a Rig Manager:


High potential earnings

Be a leader and decision-maker in a group of workers

Have a chance to travel


Job may require long and irregular work hours

Requires constant training and certification

Not suited to people who prefer desk jobs

What are all the responsibilities of a Rig Manager ?

Manage the oil rig

Coordinate rig crews

Monitor the drilling process

Prepare the crew

Maintain safety standards

Maintain environmental standards

What skills do you need to become a Rig Manager?

Communication skills

When it comes to the oil rig, which is a place with extremely high risk, it is crucial that nobody make a mistake. Hence, effective communication is highly prioritised among the team. People who works at the oil rig needs to be extremely careful because even the smallest negligence or haphazard may lead to life threatening situations.

Leadership skills

Rig Managers are the people who oversees everything in the oil rig and that includes the whole team of people. You will need to be able to effectively delegate all the work to suitable team members to ensure that the tasks will be done with great precision. As the leader, you will need to handle all kinds of problems that arose in the rig in the best way possible.

Organisational skills

As a Rig Manager, you will need to organise your work and plan your schedules accordingly. You need to coordinate your team members’ schedules and also their day-to-day tasks to avoid any clash and to maximise the productivity of the team.

What field(s) of study should you choose to become a Rig Manager?

What are the requirements to be a Rig Manager?

It is not compulsory to have a postgraduate degree though it is recommended. Despite the more lenient qualification level, you will need to be certified in many other areas such as first aid, license to operate dangerous equipment, an extensive background of working on a rig and more.

What are the working hours of a Rig Manager?

The working hours of a Rig Manager is very long and involves shift work. Often times they will need to stay at the rig for weeks until their shift is over. A rig operates on 12-hour shifts and typically workers do 14 days and then rotate out for a break for another 14 days.


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