Career Builder

Tips from the Girl Who Obtained Internship Offers from Google, Facebook & Apple

Published by Afterschool.my on Feb 27, 2020, 02:48 pm

CVs can be an extremely touchy subject. There are so many websites that instruct you on how to improve your CV. Some tell you to add this, others tell you to remove that. Sometimes, you just don’t know which to listen to. On top of that, studies show that employers spend an average of only SIX seconds viewing a single CV, which means you need to capture their attention, and fast (Writing ‘HIRE ME PLEASE’ is not recommended!). Well, Harvard student, Jessica Pointing has landed internship offers from some of the biggest companies in the world, including Facebook, Google and Apple, and she’s graciously shared her CV with businessinsider.com, and a couple of tips to top it off. We thought we’d show you her CV first, so test your keen eye for detail and check if you can spot why her CV is so appealing to companies.


Jessica Pointing’s CV

 - Image via businessinsider.com

Don’t you think that she’s gone very far and achieved a lot of things? No wonder the top companies want to hire her! 

These are her top 3 tips on how to write a successful CV

Be specific 

– Image via Pixabay

When describing about your past jobs, it should be related with each other 

Focus on demonstrating how you contributed to your past job, instead of just describing it. Make sure you point out how you impacted the company.


It’s easier for your employer to understand what you have contributed using facts and figures and also it’s more accurate that way - Image via Pixabay

Instead of using fancy, big words, try translating your contribution to your company into numbers. Use numbers, concrete facts to emphasize your work, such as percentages increased or how much money you saved the company.


– Image via Pixabay

Expand your vocabulary knowledge by reading anything whether its encyclopaedias or short stories 

Try using action verbs such as ‘initiated a new programme’ instead of just saying ‘made a new programme’.


If you feel inspired and want to follow Jessica Pointing, she posts career advice on her website, the Optimize Guide, and has her own website which you can view here.

Click here for one of the most creative CVs ever made, that helped a woman secure an interview with Airbnb.

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