
Your guide to studying Urban and Regional Planning in Malaysia

Course Duration:

2.5 - 4 Years

Average Salary:

MYR 40,000 - 130,000

Average Fees:

MYR 30,000 - 40,000

Job Demand:

What is Urban and Regional Planning?

Urban planning is the strategic development of land, protecting and designing the environment in the most suitable way to ensure public wellbeing.

Are you someone with a plan? Have you always had a proper schedule, not just daily or weekly, but a proper plan to achieve a certain goal? Are you also concerned with the proper use of space and land, and protecting the environment while developing a certain area for the betterment of the people? If you are, then read on as we introduce you to the world of Urban and Regional Planning.

Urban planning guides orderly development in urban, suburban and rural areas. Although predominantly co

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What are the branches of Urban and Regional Planning?

Environmental Planning

Growth Management & Transportation

Information Technologies for Planning

What are the subjects you will study in a Urban and Regional Planning course ?


Pendidkan Seni



Principals of Urban and Regional Planning

Site Planning

CAD & Multimedia Planning

Why should you study Urban and Regional Planning?

Most urban planners work on creating policy and other methods to encourage investment. It is a relatively small but growing field and most planners work for the government.

With so many degree options out there, here are some top reasons why you should study Urban And Regional Planning:

Strategic Thinking

With more and more buildings mushrooming everywhere, a Planner must be wise when designing the project, considering not only its strategic location but to also be analytical when it comes to planning the flow of traffic around the area and taking into account various environmental issues.

Job Advancement

Like every job, you’ll start off working with small projects but with time, experience and skills, you start getting offers from big companies for much bigger projects.

What are industry experts saying about Urban and Regional Planning?

What are the entry requirements for an Urban and Regional Planning course?

Degree in Urban and Regional Planning


Minimum two principal passes in relevant subjects


Obtained at least 4 Bs in Mathematics/Additional Mathematics; and 6Cs any three (3) other subjects, including English

Important Note: If you opt to study a Diploma in Urban & Regional Planning and continue your degree at the same institution, you will most likely get a one-year exemption. This means that you can enter degree year 2 after diploma..

What skills do you need for a course in Urban and Regional Planning?

Good Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

When a situation occurs and your friends get caught up in the excitement of it all, you take a step back and naturally foresee the challenges ahead. Not only that, you also brainstorm ideas so you’re prepared for the worse. A job in this field requires you to analyse all kinds of situations related to the environment to come up with innovative ideas and overcome the challenges it brings to the community.

Up-To-Date With Current Issues

You’re the kind of person who wakes up early in the morning and the first thing you do is read the newspaper, go to news portals or twitter to feed yourself with the latest information. You can’t stand it if you’re the last person to know about the latest events. An Urban & Regional Planner needs to have a thorough understanding of the socio-economic, environmental and cultural issues in order to strategise for new developments.

An Outdoor Person

While everyone doesn’t want to sweat and get sunburned, you love to go to the outdoors, whether to breathe in fresh air, exercise or simply just enjoy the warm feeling the sun gives to your skin. A planner has to divide their time between work, meetings and site visits. Site visits require a lot of outdoor exposure in all kinds of weather conditions and in various environments.

Becoming a Professional

Graduates intending to be a professional can register under the Malaysian Institute of Planners. This professional body was created to set a high level of standard amongst Town Planners in Malaysia by instilling sufficient knowledge, training and necessary skills. Those registered under this body will find more job opportunities in various fields but all relating to their expertise. Find out how to register here (http://www.mip.org.my/).

What career options do you have with an Urban and Regional Planning degree?

Who are all the top recruiters in Malaysia?

Below are a few of the top Urban and Regional Planning firms in Malaysia.

Where can you study Urban and Regional Planning in Malaysia?

Do note that all courses should be accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). Click here to check if the course you choose is accredited. For a start, here are some of the most popular Urban & Regional Planning schools in Malaysia.

Top Universities/Colleges to study
Urban and Regional Planning courses


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Top Universities/Colleges to study Urban and Regional Planning courses


Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology (TAR UMT)

Kuala Lumpur

1 Course  
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