
Your guide to become a Physiotherapist in Malaysia

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Who is a Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapists are specialised healthcare professionals who treats injured or disabled patients through a series of manual therapy sessions. To simplify, they help patients who have difficulties in moving or doing certain activities to regain their moto

Did you know? Malaysia is ranked as one of the highest among Asian countries for chronic heart problems and obesity. Hence, we are in need of more Physiotherapists to curb the issue by designing various exercise therapy for the patients which is a plan of physical activities designed and prescribed for specific therapeutic goals.

Did you know? Malaysia is ranked as one of the highest among Asian countries for chronic heart problems and obesity. Hence, we are in need of more Physiotherapists to curb the issue by designing various exercise therapy for the patients which is a plan of physical activities designed and prescribed for specific therapeutic goals.

The pros and cons of being a Physiotherapist:


Attractive sum of pay every month

A career that helps people and improves lives

Can often find part-time work


Require long and irregular work hours

Physically and mentally taxing as it can be a rather exhausting job

What are all the responsibilities of a Physiotherapist ?

Assess the abilities of your clients and determine what exercise regimen is suitable for them

Mentally and physically prepare your clients

Implement an injury rehabilitation program to help ease and heal injuries

Diagnose, advise and guide your client on their condition

Educating patients and guardians on how to improve conditions

Creating a report on your patients

What skills do you need to become a Physiotherapist?

Possess encouraging and motivating attitude

Your encouragement will be of great help to your patients. Compliment on their improvements even if it is just a small progress because that will keep them positive and not to give up on their condition. You will be surprised at how much a patient will be able to improve with ample motivation.

Patient and tolerant

Your patient made no progress over the months and barely listens to your advice. No, you cannot blow a fuse and snap on him. As frustrating as it can get, you should always keep calm and explain to your patients on their condition and what they should do to improve their situation. Even if their progress is small in a rather lengthy duration, you should understand that not everyone improves at the same pace.

Good communication skills

From children to seniors, the age range of your patients will be broad. It is crucial that you are able to get your message across regardless of their age. Besides that, you will need it when you are recommending some of your clients to your colleague or other health practitioners that better suit their condition.

What field(s) of study should you choose to become a Physiotherapist?

What are the requirements to be a Physiotherapist?

A sports science degree would be necessary for this job, as well as a license to practice exercise therapy. You should start off by gaining knowledge of the skills needed to be a Physiotherapist and build up your contacts to get a bigger network of people connected to you. Once you start, there are no specific positions. The only position is fame and it’s best to get your clients invested in you.

What are the working hours of a Physiotherapist?

The working hours of a Physiotherapist are irregular, at times needing to work late to evening and weekends.


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