
Pursue Your Dream With the 2024 CIMB ASEAN Scholarship

Published by Afterschool.my on May 17, 2024, 03:02 pm

Take the first step towards realising your ambitions with the 2024 CIMB ASEAN Scholarship.

Achieving your academic and career aspirations involves more than just attending your dream university and immersing yourself in your chosen field. While there are crucial steps, various challenges may arise but they shouldn’t deter you from pursuing your goals.

The CIMB ASEAN Scholarship is your gateway to success and the beginning of a transformative educational journey. This scholarship isn’t solely about alleviating financial pressures, it’s about empowering deserving students with exceptional opportunities.

By providing holistic support to scholars, CIMB ensures that talented individuals have the resources they need to flourish academically and professionally. With CIMB, it’s not just about overcoming obstacles, it’s about unlocking potential and nurturing talent for a brighter future.

This can be you!

Faiz Bin Fakhir Khan, a recipient of the 2023 CIMB ASEAN Scholarship, exemplifies the transformative journey facilitated by this initiative.

Currently pursuing a Bachelor (Hons) in Accounting and Finance at the University of Liverpool, Faiz's story serves as an inspiration to aspiring scholars.

“As a CIMB ASEAN scholar, I've experienced more than just financial support. It's been a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection with diverse communities. This scholarship has instilled in me a sense of responsibility and resilience, encouraging me to give back and pursue success. To aspiring scholars: seize the opportunity to broaden your horizons and make a difference.” 

More than just monetary support

The CIMB ASEAN Scholarship presents an unparalleled opportunity, offering a comprehensive full scholarship that extends beyond covering mere tuition fees.

Embracing a holistic approach, it ensures all needs are met, including covering expenses for laptops, books, visa, flights and even allowances for accommodation and living expenses.

Moreover, the commitment to delivering excellence in education knows no bounds, as the scholarship provides access to renowned universities worldwide, facilitating a world-class educational experience right at the fingertips of its recipients.

Recipients also benefit from a tailored mentorship programme, receiving not just guidance but unwavering support from dedicated mentors throughout their tenure with the bank.

Similarly, through The Complete Banker™, an internship & management trainee programme, scholars can immerse themselves in high-priority projects that provide a comprehensive overview and invaluable experience within the world of the banking industry.

Beyond academics and experiential learning, the programme cements the path to success by offering guaranteed employment opportunities post-graduation, ensuring a seamless transition into the professional sphere. With scholars bonded to the CIMB Bank, the journey from student to thriving professional is not just a possibility but a certainty, empowering them to start their career trajectory with confidence and competence.

If this opportunity aligns with your aspirations and ignites a passion within you, then it's undoubtedly worth considering and pursuing.

Are you the right candidate?

To be eligible, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • A citizen of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or Philippines
  • Aspire to pursue a career in the financial and banking industry
  • About to start undergraduate degree or Master’s programme, or already started with a minimum of one full academic year remaining
  • Have a minimum CGPA of 3.25/4.0 or equivalent with exceptional track record in academics and active in curricular activities
  • Must not be a recipient of any other scholarship that comes with contractual obligations such as service bonds

To be considered for scholarship, applicants will undergo various assessments which is as follows:


All applications are screened to ensure that the basic eligibility criteria are fulfilled.


Shortlisted applicants will be invited to take part in CIMB’s online assessments.


Shortlisted applicants will participate in our CIMB ASEAN Scholarship Assessment Centre.


Shortlisted applicants will meet with a panel of interviewers.


Shortlisted applicants will undergo a final interview with CIMB Group’s senior management team.

The application period for the CIMB ASEAN Scholarship 2024 runs from 17 May to 5 June 2024 so don’t miss out! Click here to learn more about the scholarship.

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