
Biasiswa Tenaga Pengajar Muda (TPM) UiTM 2016


Where to Study


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Scholarship details


UiTM invites Malaysian Bumiputera candidates who are dynamic and want to build a career in teaching and research and has the necessary qualifications to apply for scholarships under the Biasiswa Tenaga Pengajar Muda (TPM) UiTM 2016 programme.


Applicant must meet all the below requirements

Candidates must be:

  1. In possession of a recognized Bachelor's degree with honors and a Master's degree (for PhD level studies)

  2. In possession of a Bachelor's degree with honors from a recognized University (for Master's).

  3. For Dentistry, candidates must have graduated from a recognized University.

  4. The candidates (for both levels of education) must obtain at least 3.00 CGPA in Bachelor's degree (Hons).

  5. Obtained a credit in Bahasa Malaysia for SPM.

  6. Independent from any contract with the Government, statutory bodies, firms or other organizations.

  7. Have not begun studies during application

  8. Not tied to any sponsorship/scholarship in the same field of study.

  9. Candidates must be really interested in teaching and research.

The age limit for candidates is as follows:

  • not older than 35 years old when applying for PhD studies;

  • not older than 30 years old when applying for the Master;

  • For dentistry, candidates must be not more than 35 years when applying.

Preferred Discipline

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