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KDU University College and ACCA create quick pathway for accounting degree students

Published by Afterschool.my on Apr 24, 2013, 02:36 pm

  • Accelerated pathway into the ACCA qualification for KDU's three-year bachelor of accounting programme
  • KDU awarded with Platinum status for the ACCA approved learning partner-student tuition scheme

Students of KDU University College (KDU UC) can now pursue their bachelor's in Accounting while working on their ACCA qualification. This new three-year accounting degree programme allows students to take 9 paper exemptions from ACCA and proceed to take up the professional papers of the ACCA qualification in the final year of their studies.


(L-R): ACCA chief executive Helen Brand and vice chancellor of KDU UC Prof. Khong Yoon Loong during the signing ceremony held this morning at KDU UC Petaling Jaya

Developed by KDU UC, the degree programme incorporates the ACCA syllabus and is the first of its kind in Malaysia that ACCA offers for a three-year degree accounting programme. The programme's first intake is expected to commence in March or April next year.

This unique programme is timely because it addresses talent shortages within the industry. Malaysia currently has 29,000 qualified accountants and will need 79,000 by 2020.

Aside from successfully creating a unique programme for accounting students, KDU was also awarded Platinum level by ACCA for meeting further targets relating to the way the institution is run, how the ACCA courses are delivered, and how their students' consistently meet pass-rate targets set by ACCA.

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