Career Advice

How soft skills can put your career at an advantage

Published by Afterschool.my on Apr 02, 2013, 02:36 pm

Over the years, we have always associated a successful career with excellent academic qualifications, years of work experience, or a certificate from a prestigious foreign university.


However, we neglect how other factors affect our employability and that includes soft skills. Soft skills are a set of attributes that help us interact with others.

However, many of our fresh graduates, especially during job interviews, give this look when asked to simply describe themselves:

stage fright

They obviously weren't prepared for this *face palms*

The ability to speak in front of people is a key skill and can probably do more for you career than almost any other. Being able to speak with confidence without the "ums", "likes" and "ers" will set you ahead above the rest.

Aside from the ability to speak in front of a crowd, there are other soft skills you need to develop and these are: leadership, team building, flexibility, willingness to learn, positive attitude, interpersonal skills (ability to empathize, to listen and not be intimidated by challenges) and problem-solving skills.

positive attitude

Soft skills alone won't automatically get you the job but when you apply these to something you already know, it increases your chances of getting employed.

Though most employers don't put soft skills in their job advertisements, they definitely look for (and most likely hire) candidates who possess complementary soft skills on top of their academic qualifications.


Some of you may already have these soft skill traits and others simply don't have it.  These skills however can't be learned from simply reading a book or watching a youtube video.  But these can be developed through constant practice and training.

To develop this, you'll have to attend workshops and continuously train yourself to learn.

cartoon (1)

Speaking of workshops, the MIMPJ Toastmasters Club is hosting a Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) to help young people develop their communication and leadership skills. The course is conducted by Toastmaster members as part of their community programme. You may download the brochurehere to learn more of this programme.

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