
With Foundation you save time, with STPM you save money

Published by Afterschool.my on Nov 25, 2016, 03:31 pm

By now, you would have just finished your SPM. You are preparing for the next big thing in your life and you are undecided on what is your next big step.

The choices that you make will ultimately decide your future, so choose wisely. Among the popular choices you have ahead of you are STPM and foundation. We have prepared a good break down of the choices to help you make an informed decision.

1. Duration of study

Foundation is a 9-month programme that ensure that you get into a specific degree programme. Not only that, the intake begins in January, which means you can apply directly into universities with a conditional offer based on your trial SPM results. STPM on the other hand is an 18-month programme of which the only intake is in May/June.

2. Timeline

However, look at the two periods of time between the two programmes. STPM is 18 months and foundation, 9. If you want a faster track to your degree, foundation is a better option due to the fact that it starts the month after SPM results are out. STPM on the other hand, starts only in May/June. Take note that if you were to complete your foundation in 9 months and have a friend doing STPM, you would have completed your studies and headed into your degree. By the time your friend finishes their studies, you would have completed a year and a quarter of your degree and they would have yet to start on theirs.

3. Cost

Foundation programmes are more expensive than that of STPM, which average courses costing around RM10,000 and above, in which persons can pay half and half or in full for the entire duration. Whereas STPM costs around RM120 for basic fees and RM90 per subject up to which 5 can be taken (only for private schools and candidates).

4. Pathways

In terms of pathways, if you were to take foundation, you would only be limited to private universities that offer courses related to that foundation, be it the university you took your foundation in and other universities you are interested in. The latter’s acceptance is on a case by case basis. Whereas if you take STPM, you choices are much wider as you can enrol in both public and private universities. However, with foundation, you are guaranteed a spot so as long as you meet the minimum passing rate whereas with STPM you require better grades in order to get into the same programme.

5. Recognition

In terms of recognition, if you are a foundation taker, your scope of recognition is limited to certain institutions and of which will be considered on a case by case basis. Also, you absolutely cannot go to public universities. STPM, on the other hand, is widely recognised throughout the world, with major Ivy Leagues like Cambridge and Oxford recognising them.

With that being said, this comparison shows the difference between foundation and STPM as well as their various pros and cons. Ultimately, when making the decision to further your studies, the choice is yours. All the best!

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