
What do I wear in Form 6?

Published by Afterschool.my on Apr 16, 2015, 10:15 am

The Malaysian Ministry of Education has confirmed that students beginning the new academic year for Form 6 are allowed to wear clothing that are not the standard secondary school uniform as part of the effort towards 'rebranding' Sixth Form.


Director General of Education, Datuk Seri Dr Khair Mohamad Yusof also announced that schools can no longer force or instruct Form Six (6) students to wear clothes according to a uniform standard.

Among the new dress code for sixth formers beginning in 2015 is as follows:

  1. Students are allowed to wear batik clothes to school.
  2. Male students are also allowed to wear brightly colored shirts and pants to school but can not have flower patterns or other designs
  3. Students are free to choose the color of their shirts, but need to make sure there is no patterns. Stripes or checkered patterned shirts are allowed.
  4. Students may still wear their secondary school uniforms.
  5. Long trousers should not exceed the ankle and should not be tight. Students are also allowed to wear belts but the size of the belt buckle may not exceed 5 centimeters.
  6. Students are prohibited from wearing any clothing made of denim.
  7. Female students may wear baju kurung. They are also allowed to wear pants. Other clothing allowed include sleeve blouses, maxi dresses, and skirts above the knee.
  8. Jeans, cargo pants, shorts and tights are not allowed.
  9. Students are not allowed to wear T-shirts and tight clothing to school.
  10. Male students are required to wear shoes with socks, while female students may only wear shoes that cover their feet. Slippers, clogs or sandals are not allowed.
  11. For outdoor activities, students are encouraged to wear long pants or track pants and long or short sleeved T-shirts.
  12. T-shirts for outdoor activities should not have political, violent, abusive or any other images that may be considered bearing negative messages.

For more information on the allowed and prohibited dress codes as issued by the Ministry of Education, read/download here (PDF file).

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