
The 5 Most Remarkable Movies for Business Students

Published by Afterschool.my on Feb 03, 2021, 07:25 pm

Most of the time, movies serve to entertain rather than to inspire. The best kind of movies are those which entertain and inspire. There are moments when we feel despair and unmotivated. All we need is a brain break and a good movie. Great news! These days, you can find a lot of movies that are heartwarming and motivational. Some of the movies are even hilarious. They are easily accessible and can be found on top streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Video and Google Play.

Anyone can watch these movies but if you are a business student, it is highly recommended that you watch these movies. It will leave you feeling encouraged. Here are the top 5 movies that every business students should watch: 

1. The Social Network

Drama/History (2010)

The Social Network is considered to be one of the best movies of the decade. It dramatizes the life of the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg and his conflicts after he founded Facebook. There was a battle over ownership and claim over proprietary rights. Along the road, he cut ties with friends who felt betrayed by his actions. This movie consists of many great lessons to learn. One of which is that in the world of business, it doesn’t matter who came with the idea, what really matters is who executed it.  

2. The Founder

Drama/History (2016)

The Founder is a movie based on a true story. It is about Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald or so does he claim. Part of the movie illustrates his deceits and how he bought over McDonald from the original founders (MacDonald brothers). Although some people may not agree that this is a movie worth watching as it depicts bad examples and Kroc is pictured as the antagonist, it is most certainly a movie with multiple admirable lessons that we can emulate such as his persistence and innovativeness upon discovering flaws in the execution system.

3. Jobs

Drama (2013)

Jobs is a movie based on Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Inc. This movie unfolds the story of Jobs who was a college drop-out and shows his long journey to success. He travelled the world and learned new things. He had his first customer before he started the company, this teaches you that you can never be fully prepared to start a business. All you can do is to be persistently adapting to the difficult situations that come.

4. The Internship

Comedy (2013)

The internship is an entertaining story of two old-school middle-aged men. They decided to apply for an internship at Google, despite having little technical knowledge and having to compete with the other younger candidates. This movie is a great example of how you should change a bad situation to a great opportunity. It clearly shows how a positive outlook towards life can result in success. Without a doubt, this movie managed to deliver an important message to the current generation, which is to always be enthusiastic and hopeful even when the future is uncertain.

5. The Pursuit of Happyness

Drama (2006)

Saving the best for last, Pursuit of Happyness is based on a true story of Chris Gardner. He was a struggling young man, making ends meet to support his family. With his willpower and persistence, he went from being a homeless salesman to a successful businessman. This story is emotional and impactful. There are numerous lessons one can pick from this movie. Essentially, it teaches you to be strong even when things get tough and to never give up on your passion.

If you are planning to pursue your studies in business or if you are already in the field, these movies will be relatable to you. Remember, persistence and determination will bring you success. If you are interested to study business, click here to get more info on the average fees, where to study, course duration, career prospects, etc. 

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