
Regulation for part time jobs for international students in Malaysia

Published by Afterschool.my on May 04, 2016, 03:50 pm


Regulation of student visa

International students coming to Malaysia are given a student visa which has limited permissions. Student visa does not permit students to work because it is important for university students to focus on their studies. However, the department of immigration allows international students to work simple part time jobs.

Terms of part time employment

Under any circumstances, international students must work for a period not exceeding 20 hours a week and with permits from the university and the immigration

Permit required

International students interested in attaining a part time position must obtain a permit from the immigration facilitated by their respective university. You must consider the following before applying:

  • A good academic record
  • A good attendance record
  • Consult with the institution and justify why a part time job is needed

The process

  • Consult and get the initial permission from your institutions
  • A copy of all the pages of your passport (Student visa must be valid and passport expiry must be of a minimum of 12 months)
  • Offer letter from your employer (including employer’s address and contact)
  • Processing fees imposed by the Malaysian authorities for work permit (RM120.00)
  • The university will submit the papers to the immigration
  • The student will be called for an interview for case investigation
  • The immigration has the final say in the matter

When can you work?

  • Semester breaks
  • Festive holidays
  • Holidays exceeding 7 days

Where can international students seek part time employment?

  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Markets/mini markets
  • Petrol stations
  • Cafes
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