
Only 1000 graduates ventured into business sector last year - Khaled

Published by Afterschool.my on Jul 02, 2012, 09:47 pm

  • Only 1034 graduates ventured into business, out of over 180,000 who graduated last year.
  • Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled Nordin said special attention would be given to the business sector to pull in more graduates.
  • Graduates should change their mindset to be generators of job seekers instead of a job seeker.
  • "The nation needs more entrepreneurs from among the graduates of higher institutions of learning to be catalysts in transforming the country's economy to a high-income one hinged on innovaiton," he said.
  • On the other hand, 75 per cent of graduates secured jobs six months after they completed studies last year.
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