
MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024: Green Skills

Published by Afterschool.my on Sep 19, 2024, 04:09 pm

The Students and Career Development (SCD) collaborated with the Research Management Centre (RMC) to spearhead the inaugural MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024: Green Skills.

The Students and Career Development and the Research Management Centre coorganised first MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

Green skills are a set of competencies essential to promote a greener economy, sustainable development, and environmental education; their vitality and influence are inevitable to the current and future world population. Higher education institutions, bringing synergies between human capital and environment for the future, play primary roles in disseminating awareness and values.

Ever since the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) were established in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly, MSU has embraced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) framework in several key areas affecting research, publication, quality education, students, and community engagements. MSU's green initiative commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2035 is demonstrated through energy efficiency measures, renewable energy adoption, waste management, and curriculum awareness.

To further amplify the scope of reach of green skills concerning climate change, circular economy practices in waste management, financial prosperity, graduate outcomes, and employment confidence, the SCD and RMC collaborated with the varsity’s strategic partners ranging from its local partnering institutions to its global affiliations in an impactful symposium held at MSU’s Performing Arts Theatre (PAT).

Dr Azmizam Abdul Rashid Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Urbanice at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

Ts Mohd Faisal Abdur Rani Programme Director of Impactlution at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

The symposium featured diverse and insightful sharing from Dr. Azmizam Abdul Rashid, Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Urbanice Malaysia; Ts. Mohd Faisal Abdur Rani, Certified Green Project Manager and Co-Founder and Programme Director of Impactlution; Jozaimah Johan Ali, Managing Director of Islamic & Business Centricity of Affin Group; Dr. Noor Adelyna Mohammed Akib, Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies at University Science Malaysia (USM); and Ashley Mok, Deputy Director at Times Higher Education.

Jozaimah Johan Ali Managing Director of Islamic and Business Centricity of Affin Group at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

Dr Noor Adelyna Mohammed Akib Deputy Director of the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies at University Science Malaysia at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024

Ashley Mok Deputy Director Times Higher Education at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024

Joining in virtually were MSU colleges nationwide and partner universities worldwide.

The Students and Career Development and the Research Management Centre coorganised first MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

Professor Dr. Indang Ariati Ariffin, Vice President of Research and International Affairs, delved deeper into the SDG projects and effective measures taken at the University to develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient environment.

Professor Dr Indang Ariati Ariffin Vice President of Research and International Affairs at MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024

At the launching ceremony of the symposium, MSU President Professor Mohd Shukri Ab Yajid corroborated the symposium as the avenue to move forward in these SDG initiatives and address the challenges ahead.

“Bringing research into SDG, assembling stakeholders to subscribe to our values, impacting the community effectively, and instilling green skills among students and staff alike are the critical challenges needing attention,” said the MSU President. 

Environmental health, health science management, traditional Chinese medicine, pharmaceutical technology, early childhood education, health and physical education, outdoor recreation management, patisserie arts, medical sciences, interior design, aviation management and piloting, finance, investment management, optometry, culinary arts, hospitality and tourism management, accountancy, and personal enrichment competency are among the many courses offered across schools and faculties at MSU, which place pivotal emphasis on all 17 SDGs.

The Students and Career Development and the Research Management Centre coorganised first MSU Sustainability Symposium 2024 themed Green Skills

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