
More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

Published by Afterschool.my on Jun 06, 2016, 05:01 pm

The number of Indian students studying abroad has been increasing rapidly since 2012 and getting closer the rate of growth from China.

Indian Students studying in Malaysia

Although currently there is still a strong trend for students from India to pursue a UK, US and Australian degree, most are moving away from these countries due to overbearing immigration policies and increasingly expensive tuition fees.

Malaysia fits the description and is the needed change in the global education landscape.

Here are 5 reasons  why Malaysia is a great destination that should be the first choice:


 1. Malaysian Indians:

More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

Malaysian Indians make at least 7 percent of the population of Malaysia. This is an advantage for students from India to get the best of both worlds. 2. Language and culture:

Find the best Malaysian private institution for you.


 2. Language and culture:

More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

There are less  language and cultural barriers. Malaysia is heavily influenced  by the Indian culture and languages like Tamil is spoken in Malaysia.

3. Foreign Degrees in Malaysia:

More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

There are 3 Australian Universities, 5 UK universities and many Malaysian institutions offering foreign degrees at Malaysian prices. Also, there are the transfer programs.


 4. Visa problems, no more:

More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

Student visa in Malaysia is easy to get, it just takes approximately 2 months.  Apply from India with complete documentations, get your student visa and come to Malaysia. Students can get one visa for the entire duration of study.


 5. Food and Accommodation:

More Indian students head to Malaysia for UK degrees

Indian food in Malaysia is available everywhere. If you are a vegetarian you can find your food here, not to mention halal food. The food is GOOD and very affordable.

Accommodation is affordable and available on campus and off campus and fits the budget.

Are you a student from India? Get a UK, US or Australian degree for much cheaper in Malaysia here.

Ready to pop the the question? We can help. Click here.

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