
How to become a professional engineer?

Published by Afterschool.my on Mar 06, 2013, 01:25 pm

Last Saturday, school leavers and their parents spent the morning to attend the second installment of New Straits Times’ Career Talks to learn about the pathway of becoming a professional engineer.  Over a hundred participants attended the talk which was held at the auditorium of Women’s Institute of Management.

The talk featured Professor Ir Dr Ramesh Singh of Universiti Malaya’s Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Ir Ashari Mohd Yakub who is the executive director of the Board of Engineers Malaysia, and Ir Abdul Azim Abdul Rahman who is an IEM (Institution of Engineers Malaysia) member and has more than 12 years’ experience in product research, design and development.

BEM's primary role is to facilitate the registration of engineers and regulate the professional conduct and practice of registered engineers in order to safeguard the safety and interest of the public. IEM, meanwhile, encourages professional engineers who are members of IEM to conduct talks, disseminate information on engineering and participate and advise science societies of schools on engineering-related projects to schools all over Malaysia.

During the session, school leavers were given tips on how to choose the right engineering course that will suit their interest. Speakers also shared their insights into university applications, experiences as an engineer and how to eventually obtain a professional certification.

Here are the main takeaways from this career talk:










Get more information on how to become an engineer here!

What does being an engineer means?

Civil Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Petroleum Engineer

Process Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Robotics/ Mechatronic Engineer

Software Engineer



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