
EPR : The Examination for Graduates With Medical Degrees That Are Not Recognised

Published by Afterschool.my on Jul 17, 2017, 02:42 pm

For medical graduates who hold basic medical degree from institution not listed in the Second Schedule, Medical Act 1971, he or she will be required to sit and pass the Examination for Provisional Registration (EPR).

Guidelines to Sit For the Examination for Provisional Registration

Please take note of the following before reading the rest:

  • The following information is provided to assist you.
  • Please read these notes for guidance before completing the Application Form (link at bottom of page)
  • You are expected to observe and comply with ALL the terms and conditions stipulated herein.
  • Not adhering to any of the requirements may result in undue and unnecessary delay in processing your application.
  • The Malaysian Medical Council will NOT be held responsible for any delay due to your non-compliance with the terms and conditions set herewith.

1. Pursuant to the Medical Act 1971, you are required to register with the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC) to practice medicine in Malaysia;

2. To be eligible for REGISTRATION, you need to possess a recognized basic medical degree as listed under the Second Schedule of the Medical Act 1971;

3. Pursuant to the section 12(1)(aa) of the Medical Act 1971, you need to sit and pass an Examination for Provisional Registration (EPR) if you hold a basic degree which is not recognized for registration.

4. The procedures for the EPR is prescribed in the Medical (Setting of Examination for Provisional Registration) Regulations 2015 enacted under the Medical Act 1971. You are strongly advised to read it carefully.

5. To be eligible to sit for the EPR, you:

• possess a basic medical degree NOT listed in the Second Schedule, Medical Act 1971.

must register with the MMC to sit for the EPR; and

• are still allowed to sit the EPR by the examining body, if you are already registered.

6. To sit for the EPR, you need to submit the following documents in TWO copies:

Application form for EPR;

The application form should be completed in BLOCK LETTERS (preferably type-written). Please ensure that ALL mandatory fields (marked *) are completed.

• Your Curriculum Vitae (preferably type written);

• Photocopy of basic medical degree;

• Photocopy of transcript covering the whole study duration;

• Photocopy of full registration certificate issued by foreign Medical Council or

• Professional Licensing Authority, if any;

• Photocopy of post graduate degree(s), if any;

• Additional documents for Malaysians:

(i) photocopy of identity card (on an A4 size paper);

• Additional documents for non-Malaysians:

(i) photocopy of passport;

(ii) photocopy of marriage certificate; and

(iii) photocopy of spouse identity card

• Additional documents for Indian university graduates:

(i) photocopy of Rotating Internship

(ii) photocopy of Bona Fide Student Certificate

• Additional documents for Indonesian university graduates:

(i) photocopy of Sarjana Kedokteran

(ii) photocopy of Ijazah Kedokteran

(iii) photocopy of UKDI/UKMPPD certificate (wherever applicable)

• A processing fee of ONE THOUSAND ringgit (RM 1000) payable in money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque in the name of ‘THE REGISTRAR OF MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS’. Please write your name and identity card number behind the money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque.

• To sit for the theory part of EPR, an examination fees of THREE THOUSAND ringgit (RM 3000) payable in money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque must be made in the name of ‘KUMPULAN WANG MAJLIS PERUBATAN MALAYSIA’. Please write your name and identity card number behind the money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque.

• To sit for the clinical part of EPR, an examination fees of THREE THOUSAND ringgit (RM 3000) payable in money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque must be made in the name of ‘KUMPULAN WANG MAJLIS PERUBATAN MALAYSIA’. Please write your name and identity card number behind the money order, postal order, bank draft or cheque.

7. ALL documents attached should be certified according to the Guideline for Document Verification.

8. If your printed names in any of the documents submitted differ, please submit a Statutory Declaration;

9. If the original documents are not in either Bahasa Malaysia or English, you need to submit translated versions in either Bahasa Malaysia or English along with certified copies of the document in its original language. Translated documents are only acceptable if carried out by qualified translators or officers of appropriate embassy.

10. Please keep a copy of the form you submitted for your future reference;

11. You are reminded to submit your application BEFORE the closing date which is set at 2 weeks before the examination date. Application submitted AFTER the closing date will NOT be accepted.

12. Please submit your application to:

The Registrar of Medical Practitioners,

Malaysian Medical Council,

Block B,Ground Floor,

Jalan Cenderasari,


13. Application can be submitted IN PERSON.

14. You are strongly advised to respond immediately to our notification for any shortcomings, if any.

15. Your application will be tabled at the Evaluation Committee meeting on the 3rd Thursdays of each month, so expect your approval letter to be ready on the 4th Monday of each month.

16. If you pass the EPR, you will need to collect the certificate from MMC or opt for it to be posted to you. Please provide valid postal address.

17. Please feel free to contact them if you;

a. were not notified in writing upon submitting your application;

b. do not hear from us two weeks after the MMC Evaluation Committee Meeting;

c. do not hear from us after the one-month processing period is over; and/or

d. require any assistance or have any questions.

Click here to view the Format of the EPR (Theory Paper & Clinical Exam)

Click here to view Form 1 (Once downloaded, scroll to page 8)

The EPR will be held two (2) times a year and the dates will be announced on the MMC website. Theory component will be held in March and September of the year and the Clinical component will be held one (1) month after the theory component.


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