
Edeline Anne Goh’s Journey from Monash University Malaysia to Magazine Editor

Published by Afterschool.my on Jul 11, 2024, 11:22 am

Imagine waking up with boundless energy, ready to conquer your day. That’s the power of good health. It’s the foundation for pursuing your passions, connecting with loved ones and making a positive impact — a vibrant, fulfilling life ready to embrace all that comes our way. So, it’s no secret that you should prioritise your health, but how do you make it stick?

Just ask Edeline Anne Goh, a writer with a heart for health, who believes it all starts with prioritising your well-being.

“Health education is the cornerstone of wellness and mindful living,” Edeline says. “My education journey has been the light in my career path, and now I shine that light to inspire others through the impactful content I create”.

Today, Edeline is the Editor of 1Twenty80, a magazine that empowers Malaysians to embrace a healthier lifestyle. Launched in 2016, 1Twenty80 reflects Edeline’s belief: ‘Health is truly your greatest wealth’.

But Edeline’s passion for health wasn’t accidental. Her studies at Monash University Malaysia, with its Bachelor of Arts in Communications and International Studies, provided fertile ground for her passion to blossom. “Monash opened my eyes,” she says. “It broke down walls and revealed a world that I never saw before.”

In other words, the programme equipped her with the skills to translate complex information into accessible, engaging content.

Edeline believes Monash University played a pivotal role in shaping who she is today.

Studying at Monash University Malaysia

After earning a diploma in Mass Communication from KDU College — which sparked her interest in that field — Edeline continued her education at Monash University Malaysia.

A leading international institution, Monash University Malaysia was established in 1998. It holds the distinction of being both the third-largest campus of Australia’s top university and the first foreign university campus in Malaysia. According to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023, it is ranked among the world’s top 50 universities. What’s more, Monash University Malaysia is a proud member of Australia’s elite Group of Eight (Go8) universities, solidifying its reputation for academic excellence.

“I chose Monash over any other university because of the subjects that the course entailed and it was very much different than the others that I enquired. I also believe that graduating from a reputable Australian-linked university that upholds its standards will also help me with my career path.”

One of the aspects she valued most at Monash Malaysia was the experienced faculty. Lecturers brought real-world knowledge into the classroom, ensuring learning extended beyond textbooks. The course structure, mirroring Monash University Australia’s, further solidified this commitment to quality education.

Edeline’s decision to pursue this specific programme stemmed from a combination of factors. Firstly, the course structure itself stood out. It wasn’t just the familiar communication focus but the addition of International Studies that truly drew her in. “While communications taught me a lot about understanding people, the impact of the media and our voices, International Studies opened my eyes to the world we live in. At the end of the day, they complement each other."

The university’s dedication to quality extended beyond its reputation. The library was well-equipped, providing everything Edeline needed to delve into research. The learning environment was inclusive and comfortable, featuring meeting rooms and casual seating that fostered collaboration.

The lecturers, with their industry-aligned expertise and a connection to Monash University Australia's curriculum, also impressed her. “The lecturers have their own unique way of teaching, and I remember one lecturer very fondly, Dr. Julian, who would play a song prior to the start of his class and it would always be relevant to the topic of the day. It was a small, fun touch but its impact was great because class was way more fun.”

The lecturers’ dedication and approachability ensured that questions were never left unanswered and they were always ready to offer guidance for assignments or lectures. These experiences instilled in Edeline leadership qualities that she carries with her today.

Freshly graduated from Monash University with a double degree in Communications and International Relations, Edeline began her writing career in 2012.

A Catalyst for Growth

Monash Malaysia wasn't just an educational institution for Edeline; it was a transformative experience. Previously accustomed to a rigid, teacher-centric learning environment, Monash Malaysia cultivated a culture of critical thinking and creativity. Lecturers treated students as engaged adults, encouraging them to question and explore independently. This shift in approach proved pivotal, equipping Edeline with the intellectual tools necessary to navigate the complexities of her chosen career path.

Beyond academics, Monash Malaysia nudged Edeline out of her introverted shell. Presentations, tutorials and other public speaking opportunities, while initially daunting, ultimately shaped her into a confident communicator. Today, she interviews industry leaders, CEOs and health professionals shaping the world — a far cry from the initial discomfort. Through the power of words, video, and podcasts, she amplifies their voices and stories.

Monash Malaysia’s multicultural environment further enriched Edeline’s experience. The university’s diverse student body opened a window to global cultures. Mingling with Malaysians and international students created a sense of comfort and ease in interacting with people from different backgrounds — a valuable asset in her writing career. Today, she works with clients not just in Malaysia, but also in Singapore, the UK and even France. The ability to connect and communicate effectively across cultural divides stems directly from this early exposure.

Thanks to the curriculum, Edeline also developed a strong sense of social responsibility. It opened her eyes to global issues and the need to make a positive impact. This, coupled with her newfound confidence, led her towards a career in health communication — a field where she could contribute meaningfully.

Out of all the qualities that Edeline developed at Monash Malaysia, one stands out. "Monash Malaysia dared me to be different."

The curriculum wasn’t merely a collection of facts to be memorised, it was a springboard for challenging the status quo. The countless stories of history’s changemakers woven into the syllabus became a powerful nudge – a reminder that positive change starts with the individual. This instilled a sense of empowerment that continues to resonate in her career today.

“As a team leader, I make decisions including difficult ones that may not be favourable to everyone but it must be made out of the best interests. The health platform that I was hired to start, 1Twenty80, has broken barriers of boring health content as we make health fun, that’s one example of taking the bold step to be different despite how the world sees things.”

This was possible, thanks to her courage to step outside of her comfort zone — something Monash Malaysia instilled in its students.

Edeline received the Ministry of Health’s Best Health Journalism Award in the English magazine category.

In fact, this newfound confidence played a role in her winning the 2015 Best Health Journalist Award from the Ministry of Health Malaysia. As a young writer at Urban Health magazine, she initially doubted her eligibility for the award. However, her CEO encouraged her to participate.

"It was definitely surreal to be recognised for my work. The recognition was for an article I wrote on Technological Wins for Breast Cancer, which included an interview I conducted with an Oncologist about the modern treatment options available at that time. These options had the potential to change the lives of breast cancer patients and increase their likelihood of successful treatment.”

Words of Wisdom

For aspiring Monash students, Edeline’s advice was clear: “Make friends from all backgrounds. Don't stick to your cliques. Stepping out of your comfort zone is the key to learning and growth. Embrace the multicultural environment at Monash Malaysia. Learn about the world through the eyes of others — friends, coursemates and even lecturers. It's a humbling experience you won't regret.”

Edeline's journey from a Monash University Malaysia student to a health education editor showcases the university's transformative influence. Her passion for health education isn’t a coincidence — it's a direct result of how Monash challenged her, broadened her perspective and instilled in her the confidence and skills to make a difference. As an editor, she continues to leverage these experiences to positively impact the health communication landscape.


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