
BAC makes free tuition possible for all Malaysians

Published by Afterschool.my on May 21, 2014, 03:12 pm

As part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy, Brickfields Asia College (BAC) has funded EduNation to empower Malaysian youth through education.

BAC Gives Back_Project Edunation


To date, BAC has sponsored over RM1 million towards EduNation's operation expenses.

EduNation is a volunteer driven Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative based on the Khan Academy. EduNation is Malaysia’s first social platform for education that promises free tuition for millions of school going children.

BAC Executive Chairman and EduNation co-founder Raja Singham said his college gave the money to get EduNation started mainly because “We (BAC) may be a for-profit venture, but we believe in channelling this profit into initiatives for the greater good.”

At the moment EduNation hosts 700 videos for secondary school students with the numbers constantly growing. BAC will continuously strive to ensure that every Malaysian student will have unlimited access to the learning materials provided by www.edunation.my

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