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Published by on Feb 09, 2022, 04:04 pm
Universities as centres of knowledge generation and sharing play an important role in helping to solve social, environmental and sustainable challenges by inculcating social responsibility and sustainability mindsets amongst students.
Being socially conscious, and also grounded in the strong bond that had been formalised through an MoU signed with FurryKids Safehaven in October 2021, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) initiated a monthly CSR programme within its community to provide a safer environment for stray and abandoned animals.
Following on from earlier fundraising efforts to reconstruct the animal shelter that had once been destroyed by flash floods, coupled with a series of voluntary works like bathing and vaccinating puppies for adoption drive, APU lecturers and students culminated their good works by painting a beautiful mural for the furry kids.
On 20th and 21st January 2022, supported by the School of Media, Arts and Design (SoMAD), members of APU’s Student Affairs Department created a cuddlesome mural on all walls of Furrykids Safehaven, an animal shelter situated in Seremban, that would surely bring smiles to the passer-by.
Sacrificing their leisure time during off days, students and their lecturers worked hand-in-hand under the hot sun, to complete their masterpiece. The mural art depicted a group of entertaining cartoon-look animals, occupying a large area of the wall of about 2 metres by 8 metres.
Before they started working on the mural, members of Student Affairs raised RM 1,350 to purchase the paints needed for the artwork as well as food for the animals.
“It's truly amazing to have staffs and students work together again to contribute their design skills for the community. It builds the spirit of togetherness, bringing us closer to one another through a shared passion for art,” commented Ms Debbie Liew, the Associate Head of School of Media, Art & Design.
Cherishing this CSR initiative by students and staff, Mr Gurpardeep Singh, Chief Operating Officer of APU remarked, “I am very impressed with the creativity and inventiveness showed by APU’s students in putting together this very impactful mural for Furrykids Safehaven. Congratulations also go to the team for raising the funds for this as well as the donation of much-needed food for our furry friends.”
Academicians who were involved in this good work included – Ms Abbhirami Sivarajan, a lecturer from the School of Business; and lecturers from SoMAD Mr Wong Chee Meng, Mr Fitri Anas Muhiddin, Mr Jack Lai Yong Geat, Mr Ooi Aik Khong, Mr Saifullizan Abdul Wahab, Mr Shazwan Halamy, Mr Teay Siew Yen and Ms Christine Lim Pei Shin.
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