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The Diploma in Aviation Management and Pilot Licensing is a diploma that aims to equip its students with the knowledge and skills required in the ever- evolving aviation industry. With the demand for aviation personnel increasing year by year it is vital that the workforce supplied is capable, passionate and knowledgeable. Through having a diploma that offers both aviation management and pilot licensing modules, graduates will be equipped with the necessary aviation, business and management knowledge, be able to hone their hands-on skills through practical experience and gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the aviation industry.
The Programme has a total of 6 semesters spanning over 3 Years. From Semester 1 to Semester 4 the students will pursue their education in the field of Aviation Management while the following Semester 5 to 6 are designated for their Pilot Licencing Modules and Flight Training respectively.
Sample subjects covered in the Aviation Management course include Aviation Economics, Airline Operations and Airport Management. While for the Pilot Licensing Modules students will undertake subjects as required by the CAAM in their pursuit for a PPL licence. They will also accumulate a total of 48 hours of Flight Time towards the end of the programme. Flying activities are conducted in house through flying services provided by our own flying club Admal Flying Club (FlyAdmal).
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